During Christmas time I do enjoy giving to less fortunate families, especially the kiddos. I have always been blessed to be surrounded by family, tradition, and of course a fantastic Santa Claus each Christmas morning. Yet, I understand there is a deeper meaning for this holiday and sometime it does get lost in the hustle and bustle that we as a society have created the holiday season to be. I love giving. I love knowing that someones day was a little brighter and I had something to do with that smile. Operation Christmas Child is a seasonal charity drive which is supported by Samaritan Purse, which is an international relief organization. During this charity drive they collect shoe boxes packed with little trinkets and other small gifts for children in need. This was right up my alley! So I was quite excited when I came across this, albeit a few days late for this initial posting but I have decided to participate and I hope that some of my readers will as well. This is not for just Bloggers but for everyone. By participating in this charity event, it is the hope that a community of bloggers and non-bloggers will impact several hundreds of children who would most likely be without this holiday season.
So how does it work? Simple. Dig out one of those shoe boxes from your closet that you are going to use for "something" and get to packing! If you don't have a shoe box, pick up one of the cheap boxes from the dollar store because that will work as well! You will want to pick the gender and age bracket for the child and buy according to that. Think personal items such personal items (tooth brush, tooth paste), school supplies, small toys, and hard candies. Then you drop off the box at a predetermine location which you locate on their website. Then the boxes go to children all over the world.
So you want to give but don't really have time to do running around (or like me - you have limited time and could leave the country on the drop of a dime) well there is a build a box option on the website! Now that is convenient. It takes you through the categories and you pick the items. Once completed you write a short note, can attach a picture, then pay. Voila!
Can I also say that I am digging the follow your box feature so you can see exactly where you box goes!! I am pretty pumped about this awesome opportunity to give back. I plan on building my box online, I think. I will post later this week with my building and my choices. I hope that you decide to join and post your box so we can make lots of kids holidays just a little brighter this year.
For questions, Hayley from A Beautiful Exchange has created this document to help guide you through making your box and linking up!

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