Ahhh, St. Patrick's day. Or as most of us Tampa Folks observe, St. Patrick's Day weekend. No matter if this green explosion happens on Monday, Wednesday, or Sunday - it is a weekend affair no matter what. See being part of Krewe World there are certain expectations placed upon different events throughout the year. Most of those events occurring between January and March. Gasprilla parades and the St. Patrick's Day parade. I would have to say after partaking in these Shenanigans for the last three years, the St. Pat's day celebratory weekend is my absolute favorite. Am I Irish? Nope. Can I pull of the Irish cheer and have a wicked good time as if I am Irish? You bet your Shamrocks I can.
Friday Night we start with the Rough Riders Trolley Hop. Best event of the year in my opinion. Some of the girls had a great idea to kilt it up this year. So when in Rome..
I was a little concerned at first because this is totally out of my comfort zone but I think the outfit turned out awesome. Extreme comfort - I could wear a kilt everyday. I recommend for your future St. Pat's day adventures.
So the Trolley Hop is the basic bar crawl through Ybor City (yes, you've seen Ybor City in Magic Mike). It is a great time. Lots of singing (not done by me) dancing (most definitely done by me) and of course some drinking (no fireball for me for a while, thank you).
Welcome to Coyote Ugly
About a quarter of the gang in Coyote Ugly
My Love, Lora and I at Bad Monkey
Great time had by all. Worst fail of the night - I didn't pack Tylenol to ensure no headache the next day. #partyfail
Saturday was absolutely gorgeous out. The girls and I had some lunch on the patio at Gaspars Grotto
The have a mean cuban sandwich.
After lunch we hopped on the Trolley back to the hotel so I could take a nap and get ready for the parade. After about an hour of shut eye, my littlest sis came to partake in the festivities with my Krewe so we got her all pirated up and away to the float.
How cute is she? She will make a fabulous Pirate wench next season!
My hubs does security for the float so it is always nice to have him there to make sure myself and my fellow wenches stay safe and he is also great for an awesome photobomb :)
Myself, Carroll, Leann & Kim - some of my great friends.
As I am posting this and looking at the pictures this gives me a different spin for this post. This was going to be a this is what I did this weekend post but I think it allows for something a little more. You know, being in a krewe comes with a lot of pre-conceived ideas about the people that actually partake in the krewes. Automatically, the naysayers label every one of us as alcoholics, people who are unfaithful to our spouses, and sometimes just downright trouble.
I have to say that while there are some people who drink too much, party too much, and may even stray from those they are married to it is like every single thing in life - there are always going to be those few that ruin it it for everyone. While I have grown up in Tampa and I ALWAYS knew I wanted to be part of a krewe, I never imaged getting out of a social organization what I have from this Krewe. The girls and guys that I have met through my krewe have become some of my best friends; my support system for when life gets tough, and my constant source of laughter because we get each other and we love to laugh and have ridiculous moments. I have participated in more volunteering and community outreach than I would have ever been able to had I not joined.
Is there drama? Damn right there is. However, when you try to have 55-60 women in the same room that all HAVE to agree on the same things, yea that shit is never going to be easy. It is the same thing as my sorority when I was in college; now the girls are older, we have jobs, some have kids, some own businesses, some are married, some go through divorce. You just never know what an organization holds for you until you let go and decide to join. I will forever be grateful for being invited to join. Charlotte de Berry has given me an outlet, a venue to be creative, a fun way to interact, and it has made me look inside my own self to determine what kind of person I am, and how can I grow. Those are hard conversations to have with yourself but this group of women has given me that.
Until next year St. Pat's, I may not be Irish but us Charlottes sure can make your Sham's rock!