Guess it is time for a little check in. Just coming off the weekend of the normal world where it is almost hump day for me. I am finally adjusting to weekends being Friday and Saturday. What I am even more adjusted to is focusing on the finish line for this school year. I cannot wait until the end of the year. While it hasn't been terrible or anything, I just need a break. I mean it might be that little trip to Paris that is on the books that has me looking towards the finish line in 25 days!
We are taking a few days out of the UAE in July after school is out to take in the sights of Paris and I am pretty pumped. I have always wanted to visit Paris so naturally I have been steadily working on a list of things to do, places to see, and trying to figure out what tours as a necessity. I bought us some new luggage pieces (backpacks) that are big enough to use for a carry on item so as soon as they get here I plan on doing a review on how functional they are.
This past weekend was a big shopping weekend here in the UAE (as explained from my local lady friends) for Ramadan. I do enjoy shopping so I headed to Dubai with a friend on Friday. The malls here are ridiculous but the malls in Dubai are even more over the top ridiculous. Read: ridiculous is fabulous. Granted, they were packed full to the brim and everyone in the Emirate seemed to be there but we had a nice time. However, my ankle is still paying the price from the walking. I can't complain too much because I bought my unicorn of all handbags this weekend.
I blame it on the cappuccino that was served while we were shopping.
Speaking of this stupid ankle injury of mine (allegedly a torn ACL), I am beginning physical therapy tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but it was kindly moved...with zero notice. All I can say to that is, Abu Dhabi. Things just tend to happen this way here.
Of course to add a little more injury, my hubby and I went to Marina Mall to look for some new shoes. Usually, I am not a fan of that mall but it wasn't busy (everyone was in Dubai) and it was nice to walk around while not getting run over. Plus, I always enjoy the fountains in the mall.
When we were leaving the mall, I was able to get a great picture of the ever so famous Etihad Towers. These buildings are so pretty in person, and they are huge.

Later Saturday evening, we headed to see Jurassic World at Yas mall. We decided to see it in 4D which I thought would be a great experience but the seats were pretty uncomfortable. However, it was kind of funny to watch the late comers try to get in the seats while they were moving. The experience was unique, think you can feel the breathing of the dinosaur on your neck, get water dripped on you, and of course you could feel every step of the dinosaurs from the rumble of the seats. Overall the movie was okay; the end of the movie completely sucked. Yet, I am sure that there will be another one due to the crap ending. Oh and did you know that the original Jurassic Park came out 20 years ago?! That made me feel ancient. I couldn't believe that it has been that long ago. I guess time just keeps moving forward even if we don't notice how much time has passed.
So another weekend in the books - 24 days of work left. I think I can see the light!