I confess that I am pretty irritated with the fact that I cannot get to Vodka and Soda's blog at work. If I want to read on my lunch, I should be able too. This stupid #$%^& web-blocker. I mean our tech has this on lockdown mode for real... absolutely ridiculous.
I confess that I am JAMMING out to an amazing array of the 80's on Songza this morning. Currently we (Trina and I) are singing along to "What a Feeling" ....and you hear the office doors begin to close. Okay, maybe I didn't warm up my singing voice this am. My Bad.
I confess that this summer went by WAY to quick and I did not get to finish a lot of my bucket list. I guess maybe I should have called it the F - it list.
I confess that I am OBSESSED with my EC planners. Yeah, that is plural - teacher one and personal one. #dontjudgeme
I confess that I was super excited about my Samsung 5s but I MISS my iPhone. I refuse to say that it is too technologically advanced for me, but I do miss the simplicity of the iPhone. Guess I'll have to get the new iPhone 6. Oh damn...
I confess that I am LOVING my new short hair! Yes, I know I committed to not cutting it this year, but it was looking kind of ratty and it wasn't very healthy. I made it seven months, it was almost to the middle of my back. Sad face... but it is so much easier.
I confess also that I love headbands - a cutesy twist & a great cover for hair that is unruly. P.S. Does anyone know of any good headbands for working out that don't slip off? All that I have bought are a #fail.
I confess that I am LOVING Orange Theory Fitness. It is kind of sick in a way because I know I am going to go in, feel like I'm gonna be sick but it is nice to be pushed and motivated. AND complete the workout, even when I was totally ready to walk out. Good burn last night = a little over 500 calories. #win
Oh.. Madonna just came on - I confess I am gonna go dance around the office. Don't forget to link up!