This will come as a shock to no one that knows me, but I love school supplies. I mean, really like them. I can walk around the local Staples or Office Depot forever. I have always had a obsession with any kind of school supply item. My focus has always been on pens. If there is a pen manufactured, I have it. I am not too proud to admit I have boxes and boxes of pens...hello, that is called being prepared people. I will never forget when my BFF Meredith came to my house while we were in college. I don't remember how it happened or what we were doing but she opens up a zebra print box that was overflowing with pens. I could see the judgement on her face. It was a resounding "WTF is this" face. She still speaks of it to this day.
So it definitely was the best professional decision to go on ahead and become a teacher. My classroom was the bomb dot com all the time. I always had writing utensils for my students. There was no excuse for not having something to write with. I would just pull out one of my multiple boxes of pens and pencils - the kids would stare at me like I was looney, and forward we went into writing heaven. I will say that the move from the classroom to administration was sad because I thought that gone were my days of having an excuse for all the school supplies, organizational tools, and planners. Oh, I love planners as well. Which leads me to the meat of this reminiscent post...
Last school year during the summer before the year even started I began to see these post from my teacher friends about these fabulous planners. I had never heard of them but apparently these Erin Condren planners were the next "it" item. Clearly, I had to see what the rage was all about. So over to her website I go, and my god it was the mecca of all things I need. Yes, NEED. Stickers, Calendars, Stationary, Planners, Cards... you name it and in all of its colorful goodness it is there. I decided at that moment I had to have one of these $60 planners. I wasn't sure if I could forge forth with a $60 planner purchase though. I mean a girl has to put some sort of limitation on her spending during the summer {teachers I am sure that you can relate}. So I decided to wait. I'll buy it during the fall I told myself. Well if you know high school like I do fall does not mean buying planners but rather football, homecoming, dances, and multiple other sporting events. Bottom line, no planner was bought. Sad face.
Fast forward to about a week ago when my sister Lindsay posted she had ordered one. Son of a .... I had completely forgotten about the planner and all of the goodness that was packed into it. So I made a comment on her Facebook post saying that I was going to get one but after my doctorate is complete because I wanted the front to say Dr. Rodriguez. I looked at the designs, longed for one again but said I was going to wait. Perhaps I need the extra motivation to get this paper finished. So I bookmarked the site and moved back over to Pinterest.
My mom gives me a call this past Thursday and asks me to come over to visit real quick because she has something for me. Hmm.. I hadn't asked for anything, so I wasn't sure what could be waiting there. Well, you guessed it. She bought me a planner with Dr. Rodriguez on the front and all. It is FABULOUS! Thanks mom!! I can't wait to fill this baby in :) Plus, a big thanks to my sister Lindsay who helped in designing it.

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