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May 20, 2015



..I have been missing home.

..I have really wished that we would have raced Nepal up the list for our Spring break trip this year rather than next year. 

..I am been extremely lazy. 

..I have been nursing my ankle, for what seems like the 74th time. I just continue to re-injure it and it is so incredibly frustrating.

..I have done pretty well with controlling sugar in my diet. I make the exception for my coffee in the morning but other than that, I’ve been good about not having obscene amounts of it.

..I have taken a liking to fruit. Lots of fruit. Particularly watermelon because here in the UAE it is out of this world good. 

..I am trying to be better at follow up and follow through. I have a lot of great ideas and then… squirrel! 

..I have been trying to work on not losing my patience with people. Yeah, this one has not been easy but I am managing. 

..I am wishing that I brought more than one tervis tumbler with me. Who can really live with just one?

..I am on a water kick. Drinking lots and lots of water. I can imagine this will continue to increase as the temperatures continue to soar well into the 100’s.  

..I have definitely felt a bit down because while Facebook is great for keeping in touch, it seems so generic sometimes. I definitely feel the strain on many friendships because of the distance. 

..I have been addicted to Netflix. Specifically, Prison Break. So glad I didn’t watch it when it was on T.V. back in 2007. 

..I have also been obsessed with tagging my friends in ridiculousness on Instagram. Have you seen the #deeznutsmovement videos? Go ahead a search that hashtag. Stupid humor. I support that.

..I have been conversing with the ladies I work with in English and they with me in Arabic. It is working out better than I anticipated…I think. I’ve gotta step up the Rosetta Stone game. I did install it, just haven’t opened it. #dontjudgeme

..I am craving a new blog design. I like this one but in true fashion, I think I ‘need’ a new fresh one.

..I've had several great blog ideas and have started many of them but then..yeah, see above about follow through ;-)

What's been going on in your neck of the woods?

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