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Jul 27, 2013

Back to Blogging

I figured I could use a kick-start back into blogland from my little trip to L.A. (I am writing the blog from that shortly).

5 things I have passion for:

1. Education - both mine & others
2. My Family
3. My Dogs
4. Having Fun
5. Photography

5 things to do before I die:

1. Run a 5K the entire time (and I mean run, not trot or stop and go... RUN)
2. Own a vacation home
3. See all the wonders of the world
4. Be a houseguest on Big Brother
5. Visit Paris

5 things I say a lot:

1. Oh, hey! 
2. F*&% - yea, I know..
3. "What were you thinking??"  <usually to students in my office>
4. Um, no.
5. Are you kidding me?

5 books or magazines I've read lately:

1. Shape
2. Teach Like a Pirate
3. US weekly
4. .....
5. ....I'm a bit short on the reading part

5 favorite movies:

1. The Wizard of Oz
2. The Sound of Music
3. La Bamba
4. Ghost
5. Dirty Dancing
What can I say- I love the classics.

5 Places to visit:

1. Los Angles (definitely a top stop from this point forward)
2. Key West (another personal favorite)
3. Seattle - never visited, but I would like too!
4. Washington, D.C. - briefly stopped on a through trip but I'd love to go back and devote some time to taking in the sights and history
5. Italy - I just wanna go!

Well, it is the weekend and I have a baby shower this evening for my first ever BFF. We've been friends for 26 years!!!! I am so excited for her and my cousin (her awesome hubby, pretty cool right?)  on their first little girl who is due soon. I'll also get to working on my L.A. blog.

Enjoy your Saturday!!

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  1. I cannot wait to see your pictures from LA! I'm super excited :) Also- I nominated you for the Liebster Award!!!!! :) Head on over here to check it out and see what you need to do to accept it :)

    Love you!
    Just Keep Teaching

  2. Hey Girl, love this sparkly fun blog. Stop by anytime. I'll add you to my regulars on Bloglovin! Hugs!

    Fab Val
