I am moving to Abu Dhabi!!!!
Nothing like a nice strong lead in, right? Just rip that bandaid off!!
While it is a life changing decision, it is a great opportunity for myself and my husband. I will be an academic principal there with a focus on teacher development, scheduling, classes, curriculum, etc. Basically all of the things that I want to do. Stoked is an understatement.
So lets talk about the 9,402 things that I need to get nailed down prior to going ..
1. Packing what I can take.
Let's elaborate on what I can take - two suitcases that cannot weigh more than 70 pounds. Ummm... FML. how do you pick? What is important? What can be left behind? I thought I was going to be slick and just pay the bag overages to take an additional bag or ten. Yeah, not to the tune of $175 per bag. I am smarter than the average bear, I will figure out something. Let's be real, my purses need a whole suitcase.
2. Selling stuff
Who knew that once you have to choose things you have to prioritize how important items are to you. I guess I can embrace the living simplistically but damn, this is hard. I guess this is also showing me how materialistic I can be. I'll work on that. Maybe.
3. Speaking of Selling stuff, I am trying to utilize all of my resources and work smarter not harder since this is stressful as hell. So I made an Instagram that I will feature different items on; check it out: @Mistiesmoving Cutesy right?
4. Guess I should tell my landlord we are out like trout, huh?
You know this probably wouldn't be such an ordeal but I have never lived anywhere but Florida. I have only moved down the street, maybe 5 minutes of my last residence so this is a huge experience for me. Let's go ahead and throw in all of the international paperwork, visas, and hoops and it makes for a damn good time. I am excited but at the same time I have said more than 10 times in the last few days, "Is this really happening? Are we really doing this?"
While it has been a long process, it is finally happening. I still have about 8 weeks before I leave, could be shorter, could be longer. It is a waiting game now before I get my paperwork back from Washington, D.C. from being authenticated.
So while I wait... maybe I should fill some bins up...

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