Today as I am browsing my feed via Bloglovin, I saw that Endlessly Beloved is hosting a great little link up about Blogging. It definitely jumped out at me because since I am still in rookie phase, I have lots to say about blogging and what it is doing and what I project it can do for me. So here it is.. my 10 favorite things about blogging.
1. An outlet. Blogging has provided me such an avenue to say the outlandish things that pop into my head. Being in a professional position within education, I am holding my tongue on the regular. All day, every day. Yet, I can come home and write to my hearts content even though I have to keep it vague but it really allows me to get things out there and frankly, just laugh at it. Most people think what educators do is a breeze but then they hear my stories. Honey, I can't make this stuff up!
2. Great People. I have stumbled upon some amazing, fun, witty, and down-right good people via blogging. Granted I have never had a face to face but there are some cool chicks out there and usually, they are always great for a laugh.
3. Endless inspiration. from writing, to crafting, to just reading some through provoking post. Blogs really give some excellent inspiration in all facets of life.
4. I love to see pictures. I like to see different places, outfits, creation, ideas, trips, etc. So when I find a blog, I automatically look for pictures. I love that people feel so open to share different things because otherwise many of the treasures out there I would never have the opportunity to experience.
5. Connection. There are so many people out there that are just like you. Blogging has given me a space to find these people that I might not have the chance to meet. Geographically there are great people everywhere and blogging is a huge avenue to explore that.
6. Social Media. I am an avid user and lover of social media and blogging just fits right in. I remember seeing a status update on Facebook "Your status shouldn't be a mini-blog" and I thought damn, isn't that the truth. Hence the start of this blogging journey.
7. Accountability. I find that if I am writing about my goals (I haven't cut my hair yet this year!!) or weight loss {move along.. nothing to see here..} I find that I feel compelled to be honest and truthful when sharing. So what I haven't lost weight, or maybe I want to share that I kicked booty in the gym this week. It keeps me on track, for the most part, and I am not flooding my Facebook.
8. It is mine. Okay, maybe that seems a bit trite but I like that I can control the look, design, feel, content, and sharing of this little space in the blogosphere.
9. Writing for fun. I am an Ed.D. student so this definitely gives me an avenue to write for fun. Maybe ramble... we will go with write ;)
10. So much out there. If you need it, there is a blog about it. It is like Google, but better!
Make sure you link up!! I cannot wait to read your 10 reasons you love blogging!
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