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Aug 1, 2013

Thursday thoughts

Linking up with Jennifer over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for my Thursday Thoughts.

I am trying to perfect blogging from my iPad and it definitely is a learning curve. Does anyone else use an iPad? Any pointers you can share to make things easier or tips? Please leave a comment :)

Today will be short because I'm back to work and these ten hour days are KILLIN me!! I am trying to figure out how to work in my working out and boxing schedule around work.. And it will be a challenge. I forced my tired behind to go boxing tonight & of course I am always happy once I get there. I feel good and not as tired, so I hope I can keep my momentum moving and stay the course. Here's to staying motivated!

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1 comment:

  1. Remember the way it makes you feel afterwards! Put a reminder in your phone to go off when you are supposed to be leaving work that tells you how awesome you feel when you work out! Maybe that will help motivate you! :) Haven't quite figured out the iPad blogging yet.. But i'm working on it… I'm trying to see if there is a decent app to do it from! I'll keep you posted! ;)
