Hey Y'all!! I'm linking up with these fabulous blogs this week to jump back into the blog world ;-) Check out these super cute blogs that are jam-packed with fabulous recipes, activities, crafts, etc.
So like most people, I am excited about Christmas coming up but I can't lie... it always causes a bit of stress because while my hubs and I have decent jobs - it always feels like we are stretching the dollars even farther than we normally do. We've had several conversations lately that usually include the catch phrase "We work too hard to live this frugal". Now, I love me some coupons, lets not get that twisted. I will hold up a line while I go through my binder. Go ahead with your dirty looks... nothing feels better than feeling like you totally made Publix your bitch.
So I decided that I wanted to make a budget.
Pretty much my thought in regards to budgets. I don't even keep a checkbook register. I have the mobile app that I check like 459 times a day. Whatevs... So I begin searching for something that I can actually use, understand, and hopefully rope my husband into using as well. (HAHAHAHAHA).
While Quicken was an option in my head, the new versions are a no-go for this Mac girl so I moved on sadly to find something else. Mint... ehh, I like to put things in my check register (when I use one) so I can see from what check things get paid. I don't like waiting until after stuff as already hit the bank account which is what Mint does. That does not work for this girl.
So I searched...and searched...and searched... (really, this was a bit much) and I found an app on the Apple Store, "You need a budget" aka YNAB. I did some reading, watching some videos and I decided that it was pretty user friendly. However, the price tag at $59.99 held me back a bit. I mean for someone who is trying to formulate a way to save, the last thing I want to do is dish out $60 bucks on a "maybe I'll use it". So I hopped over to the website & downloaded a 34 day free trial.
So far so good. It did take a little bit to set up & get the info. rolling but I love that you can set up the budget to give every dollar a job whether it is paying something off or sending it to saving or heck even starting to plan for things you know are coming up later in the year, like these damn Vet appointments that leave me broke as a joke after. I set up a few "payables" that will set aside money for those upcoming things to help either off-set the cost or complete have it ready to be paid when the time comes... hello car registrations, 2 in the same month after no pay for 2 months from summer. Yep, that sucks every year.
So I am going to give this a whirl... poor timing perhaps as here comes fat boy and all his jolly, gift-giving goodness. But I figure its better to start now to maybe keep a better handle on crazy spending. Since we operate in a cash only world (no credit cards, none, not even one)...our pennies count. So here is to 34 days of trying to become more budget aware. Wish me luck!

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